How To Create Watermark Which Is Hard To Be Removed
Now, after teaching on how to remove watermark, you might have learnt on what type of watermark which is hard to be removed (For links to my previous post, please scroll down to the bottom of the post for it.)
In this article, I'm sharing on the characteristics of a watermark which is hard to be removed
1) Use pattern, with small and tiny strands
2) Use words or pattern with deep and light colour
3) Uneven colour
4) With certain level of Transparency.If you think reduced opacity one is easier to remove, then you are wrong.100% opaque is easiest to remove.Also, with less opacity , it will remain the visibility of your photo and originality or your photo.
5) Put your trademark on the center.That is why your watermark should have certain level of transparency so it will not cover the photo.
6) Put longer words or complicated pattern.If it is very hard to remove, people will be less likely to use your photo.
7) Use curly pattern
8) If your pattern is feathering at the edge (feathered edge) or a bit blur (not a distinctive shape) then it is hard to remove
9) Use pointy pattern (harder to select and remove)
10) Your pattern or word should be apart, each is uniquely away.
11) Try pattern like : Grasses, sun (but make it more complicated, for example more pointy area and turning), Moon (multiple moon Like the one used by Shutterstock image).
12) I would suggest you guys to refer to watermark used by Shutterstock image.It is one very hard to remove completely: First, the are straight but thin lines draw across 4 corners of the image.Second, the pattern of the moon with sharp end and curve, feathered edge and reduced opacity.
* I own the copyright of this article and it's originally published on my blog
Articles you might be interested to read:
-How to create watermark using photoshop (recorded action)